


书 就是留下著记载着 往昔这个人
但 写书与修法的精神需要学习
书里面有着灵气 像华盖一样的守护着行者
只要打开书 就产生了法力

承载大家的法船 划进了宁静的 摩诃双莲池
一切都美好 没有风 没有雨
假如 你发现有人没读过我的书 请将书献给他们
我不区别弟子与他人 其实众生也就是自己*(唱)
%09Heart Embodied Books
Extracted from “A small collection of my poems”, book 165, by Living Buddha Lian Sheng.

Lyricist: Grand Master Lu Sheng-Yen
Composer: Sunflower

The time for my departure is rapidly approaching.
The deterioration of my physical form is immaterial,
As my heart and soul are embodied
In between each and every page of my books.
I earnestly offer this for the benefit of all.
My books have not only recorded
The many ordeals and sufferings I withstood in the past,
They have also demonstrated my devotion to cultivation,
And perseverance in writing,
Which you should learn as well.
There is spiritual aura in my books,
Protecting cultivators like the emergence of a dharma canopy.
As my books are opened, mystical energy permeates.

*I strive to deliver all sentient beings without exceptions.
Carrying everybody onboard.
My dharma boat safely rows into the tranquil Maha Twin Lotus Ponds,
Where all is beautiful. There is no wind. There is no rain.
If you happen to encounter anyone who has not read my writings,
Please hand them a book.
I do not distinguish between my disciples and others.
In fact, all sentient beings are me.* (sing)
