


慈爱的师父, 真言秘密主, 华光自在神行广救度
随缘感召亿万化身处, 莲花童子放光众生沐

华光自在佛, 为众广宣说, 清净三密净土在娑婆
华光自在佛, 誓渡尽五浊, *大悲大愿莲生活佛

慈爱的师父,真言秘密主, 华光自在神行广救度
何处不在法身真自如, 莲花童子放光赐大福

华光自在佛, 称名即解脱, 嗡咕噜莲生悉地吽
华光自在佛, 虹光大成就, *天人明师莲生活佛

Flower Light Hindrance Free Buddha
Lyricist & Composer: Sunflower

Verse 1:
Dear Grand Master, the Secret Master of the Realm of Mantras.
You deliver sentient beings from sufferings without reservation nor discrimination,
Encountering no barriers while traveling through any realm,
Emitting vivid flower lights on our path.
The billions of your Nirmanakaya Body are never resting,
All responding to sincere prayers in accordance to their affinity.
You are the Padmakumara,
Bestowing sentient beings with lights of compassion.

Chorus 1:
Flower Light Hindrance Free Buddha.
You have been preaching to all sentient beings
The Dharma of purifying one's body, speech, and thoughts,
Which could convert this Saha World into a Pure Land.
Flower Light Hindrance Free Buddha.
You vowed to deliver all sentient beings in this World of Five Turbidities, leaving no one behind.
My homage to you, the Great Compassion and All-Encompassing Vows,
Living Buddha Lian Sheng!

Verse 2:
Dear Grand Master, the Secret Master of the Realm of Mantras.
You deliver sentient beings from sufferings without reservation nor discrimination,
Encountering no barriers while traveling through any realm,
Emitting vivid flower lights on our path.
Your omnipresent Dharmakaya Body presents the truest freedom.
Your are the Padmakumara,
Emitting the lights of blessing, to all wanting the best in life.

Chorus 2:
Flower Light Hindrance Free Buddha.
By chanting your name, we are going to be liberated.
Om Guru Lian Sheng Sidi Hom.
Flower Light Hindrance Free Buddha.
What a Great Accomplishment Of Rainbow Light Transformation you have realized!
My homage to you, the Enlightened Guru for the Heavens and humans,
Living Buddha Lian Sheng.
