Open Your Eyes

陳冠希( Edison Chen )

發惡夢o者 咦 惡夢定係好夢呢
唉 好唔好 都要做架啦
而家幾點呀 唔 四點二十分
o巖o巖好 等等先
好喇 我講我自己咁多野
或者 你覺得我講既野係o徙氣
或者你覺得 我係一個叻仔
或者你覺得 我係一個傻仔
咩都好啦 最重要唔係你點睇我 係你點睇自己
自己都搞唔掂 唔好成日淨係理人地d野啦
do yourself
no one is going to love you like you
heyz see you xxx
two thousand and four
we want more two thousand and five
we gon be xx
clot xx it's time to xx
peace until next time won

歌曲:Open Your Eyes
演唱:陳冠希( Edison Chen )