Party Animal



What's up hands up You know that I'm back Ya Tl in the house
好耐無見啦喎姐姐 哥哥同你跳舞
揸實你杯alcohol 今晩我同你 浦
Party animal 今晚你party with TL敢唔敢呀
我要你望住個天花 喺度 騎馬
我要你醉到 趴喺個梳化
今晚飲到PK tomorrow it's OK
Have a good time
我帶個friend 嚟
今晚個friend 有陣豬扒味 call her up
叫佢化好妝先好黎 Oh 我費事認唔到你
Tequila shots baby It's time to drive you crazy
你究竟知唔知道 What is party animal ?
Party animal
Party animal
What what what party animal Party animal
Ok Ok party animal.
Look at me oh my god I'm too cool To be in your squad
You're so bad but I like that
You're so rough I can't take that
Look at me oh my god I'm too cool To be in your squad
You're so bad but I like that
You're so rough I can't take that
Everybody in the club
Come give me some love
Think I had had enough
Of all the same old stuff
Break up with your boyfriend ( yah ) cause I'm bored
But I ain't gon hit it with you in the morning
Have a good time 你最醉L咗未?
Why 你啲衫 有陣嘔味 call her up
快啲Call 格Uber 過嚟
Oh 我就嚟抱唔到你
Tequila shots baby It's time to drive you crazy
你究竟知唔知道 What is party animal ?
Looking at me like that
Cuz you know that I'm back You should know that I'm back
Looking at me like that
Cause you know I don't stop Work my way to the top
Tequila shots baby It's time to drive you crazy
你究竟知唔知道 What is party animal ?

歌曲:Party Animal