七之六 山風與小路

上海彩虹室內合唱團( Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers )


風過夜空 攬下星塵
送到原野的盡頭 帶來山谷的回聲
小路四周 滿目冷蒿叢生
回報白日的饋贈 夜蟲點亮著宵燈

The wind passed by the evening sky and embraced the stardust
To the edge of the wilderness bringing back echoes from the valley
By the narrow path fringed sagebrush clustered
To reward the gift from the day the nocturnal bugs light up night lamps

小路陪伴著傍晚的炊煙 一年一年
山風撥弄著門前的珠簾 一天又一年
千萬樹的梨花 被清風放牧天涯
三五群的夜鷺 被月光吻落湖面
夜已深 我就要回去

The path accompanied the kitchen smoke in the evening, year after year
Mountain breeze fiddled with the bead curtain at the door, day after day
Countless trees of pear blossoms were sent away to pasture by the breeze across the horizon
Groups of night herons rested kissed at the lake by the moonlight
The night was deep I should be heading back
There was no one but the mountains and forests

歌曲:七之六 山風與小路
演唱:上海彩虹室內合唱團( Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers )