You in my life

陳奐仁( Hanjin )


Once we begin then it ends
You won't know till you try
Days into weeks into months
Years as years go by
We've walked too many roads to feel the blisters grow
The memories like tears have dried
Regrets disappeared like the clouds
With you in my life

We've walked too many roads to feel the blisters grow
The memories like tears have dried
Regrets disappeared like the clouds
With you in my life

Once we begin then it ends
You won't know till you try
Days into weeks into months
Years as years go by
We hated as we loved in spite of who we are
My dear, you fill my heart with pride
Regrets disappeared like the clouds
With you in my life

歌曲:You in my life
演唱:陳奐仁( Hanjin )