

作詞:W 野狗音樂艙
作曲:W 野狗音樂艙

上海 總人口:約24150000人
Shanghai Population:≈ 24,150,000
上海 外來人口:約9900000人
Non-natives: ≈9,900,000
Out of this gigantic population, 41% is not native. Why choose to stay in Shanghai?

Back to Haishang

因為這裡是上海。 —— 駱騁 杭州人 來沪8年6個月
Because here is Shanghai. —— Luo Cheng, from Hangzhou, 8 years and 6 months in Shanghai

真的比北方乾淨。—— 白音斯琴 內蒙人 來沪1年6個月
It is true that here is cleaner than the Northern China.—— Baiyin Siqin, from Inner Mongolia, 1 year and 6 months in Shanghai

熟人不多,比較自由。—— 許播揚 太原人 來沪2年
Not many old acquaintances here, quite free. —— Xu Boyang, from Taiyuan, 2 years in Shanghai

愛吃菜肉大餛飩。—— 陳沛昀 杭州人 來沪4個月
Fond of big wontons with meat and vegetables.—— Chen Peiyun, from Hangzhou, 4 months in Shanghai

想打造自己的傳奇。—— 張振傑 南京人 來沪4年3個月
I want to forge my own legend.—— Zhang Zhenjie, from Nanjing, 4 years and 3 months in Shanghai

這裡美女很多。—— 梁涵欽 泉州人 來沪1年
There are more beauties and hotties here than anywhere else.—— Liang Hanqin, from Quanzhou, 1 year in Shanghai

我未來的男友在這裡。—— Zoey 廣州人 來沪4年1個月
My future boyfriend is here.—— Zoey, from Guangzhou, 4 years and 1 month in Shanghai

在這做街頭藝人,不用怕城管。—— 俞涵譯 紹興人 來沪10個月
I'm a street artist here, worrying no more about street police—— Yu hanyi, from Shaoxing, 10 months in Shanghai

好多外國客戶也不回國,都定居這裡。—— 曹燕 蘇州人 來沪3年
My foreign clients didn't go back hometown, since they have here settled down. —— Cao Yan, from Suzhou, 3 years in Shanghai

家裡碎碎念念好煩,不如回來加班。—— 江忠龍 台灣人 來沪8個月
Family elder non-stop nagged, so I would rather rush back to work overtime. —— Chiang Chunglung, from Taiwan, 8 months in Shanghai

回來做自己的專輯。—— 紅豆 吉林人 來沪8個月
To make my own music album.—— Hong Dou, from Jilin, 8 months in Shanghai

回來見情人。—— 黃子銓 台灣人 來沪1年7個月
Come back to meet my lover.—— Huang Tzuchuan, from Taiwan, 1 year and 7 months in Shanghai

家鄉已回不去。—— 陳曉婉 潮州人 來沪1年3個月
I can never get back to hometown.—— Chen Xiaowan, from Chaozhou, 1 Year and 3 months in Shanghai

未來看不清也不想離開。—— 戴燕南 安徽人 來沪3年
Future is uncertain, but my heart's never shaken.—— Dai Yannan, from Anhui, 3 years in Shanghai

因為從小就沒離開過上海。—— 魏雲清 上海人
I never left since I was born.—— Wei Yunqing, Native Shanghailander

You love no more

But never left at all

You have been loving

Not knowing from where it is coming

We like the dust floating at Haishang (sea)

飄走了 又飄回來
Drifted away, and drifted back

從無到有 堆成了上海
From none to many, piling up into this City

回到海上 變成上海
Back to Haishang, We are Shanghai

演唱:W野狗音樂艙( W MUSIC CABIN )
作詞:W 野狗音樂艙
作曲:W 野狗音樂艙