七之五 南浦雲

上海彩虹室內合唱團( Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers )



The wine is soft and tender,
I recall everything after drinking.

桂棹兮蘭槳 擊空明兮溯流光
渺渺兮予懷 望美人兮天一方
The red cassia boat, sailing in the moonlit river. The magnolia oars, paddling into the lucid water.
Drifted afar as my mind goes. Love and devotion, my heart is longing for.

天色已晚 水拍著船
牧羊少年 對岸一點
喝了杯茶 不好下嚥
吃了口菜 魚兒真咸
The hour is late. The water laps against the boat.
The shepherd boy comes in sight, so tiny on the faraway shore.
I drink a cup of tea, rushing bitterly down the throat.
I taste a bite, the fish is salty and all.

船家老大 老掉了牙
抽著水煙 滿嘴臟話
此去村西 十三里地
好似我 無所事事 一十三年
The boater is a toothless and old bird.
Smoking water pipes, full of cursing words.
To the west of the village, thirteen miles from here.
Like me wasting away, the time of thirteen years.

皇天三界 皇天三界
皇天三界 皇天三界
The heaven and the three realms. The heaven and the three realms.
So small the world really is.
The heaven and the three realms. The heaven and the three realms.
So vast the universe really is.

山的盡頭 一陣嘆息
說 沒人回來 有人出去
快多吃幾杯 少說點話
Where the mountains end, there is a gale of sighs.
Saying, no one comes back. Away the hope flies.
Drink some more tea. Less you shall speak.

皇天三界 皇天三界
皇天三界 皇天三界
The heaven and the three realms. The heaven and the three realms.
So small the world really is.
The heaven and the three realms. The heaven and the three realms.
So vast the universe really is.

空堂打鐘 環山七聲
雲蔽江月 花吹千雪
夜闌更沈 孤舟難安
所謂故人 此時何方
The bell strikes in the empty hall. Seven echoes the mountains call.
Behind the clouds, the moon hides its shape. Petals on the wind, like thousands of snowflakes.
As the night wears on, into loneliness the boat stalls.
Those I know from the old days. Time has hidden their trace.

雛鳥七千 以天地為籠
你我二人 皆不得自由
Thousands of fledglings, in a cage earth and sky draws.
For you and for me, freedom is a long-lost cause.

歌曲:七之五 南浦雲
演唱:上海彩虹室內合唱團( Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers )