
云端司机( Cloudriver )


自由是我 自由是我们美化的道理
Freedom is me, freedom is the virtue we over-rated.
我其实有点很凶 尤其我开心的时候
I'm actually a little bit, very intimidating, especially when I'm happy.
Maybe I'm a terrible person, but I guess you can call me a freeman.
But once you touch freedom, it burst.
Freedom, he's carrying indulgence
你要的自由 他永远没尽头
The freedom that you want, it'll never come to an end.
一样因为贪婪 失控
Losing yourself to greed, still.
I'm going to explode!
我要爆了 我要爆炸后飞去你家抽只烟
I'm gonna fly to you for a cig after the explosion
在一个雨声 盖过安静的夜晚
On a night, where the sound of raindrops dominates silences.
My saliva's all over the ash tray.
自由是你 自由是你自己
You are freedom, Freedom is yourself.
不被任何人左右 不为任何人而动 不为任何冠冕堂皇的理由
Not being driven by others, not moving for anyone, not for any of those glorified reasons.
你要的自由 他永远没尽头
The freedom that you want, it'll never come to an end.
放下手机 交个朋友
Put down the phones, let's make friends.
有多少美梦 就有多少忧愁
More sweet dreams, more gloomy it is.
放下他们 自己走
Let them go, I'll walk on my own perhaps.
千百种感觉 千百种画面 千百种意见 千百种沈醉
Thousand kinds of /feelings. Images, opinions, intoxications.
千百种辽阔 千百种滋味 千百种流行 千百种风水
Thousand kinds of/ expanse, taste, trend, Feng Shui.
千百种浪漫 千百种的废 千百种层面 千百种靠杯
Thousand kinds of/ Romance, useless, layers, jerks.
千百种淫秽 千百种古龙水 千百种商圈 千百种饭店
Thousand kinds of/ Lust, Cologne , districts, hotels.
千百种努力 千百种羞愧 千百种自以为 千百种大便
Thousand kinds of/ Hard-work, embarrassment, ego, shits,
千百种仇恨 千百种分裂 千百种烟雾弹 千百种是非
Thousand kinds of/ Hatreds, separations, smoke bombs, Right or Wrong.

演唱:云端司机( Cloudriver )