4月26日 晴



How many lies have you tell your lover
How many times you said you'll never ever
I'll say that break a leg it happened just to you
Do what you do don't be automatic
Talk what you wanna talk people hate it

Be succeed by taking random chances

碰到一问三不知的题 我选择放弃 因为多想只会让我发脾气
谁还会在纠结这关系 爱情无法理喻 礼物早就应该提前准备起
天天憧憬完美的结局 剧本还是白纸 不如留给擅长的人搞故事
谁说得志需在少年时 我知之为不知 那就选择那些不敢做的事

Someone is taking the goal you can't be so slow
Lack of motivation is not the way to go
Too many judges and surrounded by flatterers
No treachery but count on proper soldiers
You believe in power or believe in faith
These are two choices are both hard to f**king made
Too smart to understand what is the human race
The wake up man only yourself you can't betrayed

我又写出这些鬼东西 跟什么都没关系 只是不想一直发呆坐下去
每天生活给我出难题 电话也没人理 原来上月早就欠费三十七
不能一直这样没动力 别把我当空气 大不了起床开灯打开电视机
想想一天很快就过去 还搞什么飞机 不如我把美梦继续做下去

You loved me at the first sight I took you to the first ride
Down to the river made the first physical try
Then you cooked me the dinner I worked as hunter
A few month later the boy named ricky junior
But the truth is the first sight outside of a bar
Got your number then texted you you took me as fart
When I hipped you to my bed you were looking so bizarre
The affections you can give if I can keep going sharp

How many lies have you tell your lover
How many times you said you'll never ever
I'll say that break a leg it happened just to you
Do what you do don't be automatic
Talk what you wanna talk people hate it

Be succeed by taking random chances

歌曲:4月26日 晴