七之三 花见海岸

上海彩虹室内合唱团( Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers )


阁楼小窗 云杉月亮
我光着那脚丫 偷偷出发

The tiny attic window, the spruces and the moon
I am barefoot, hush-hush and ready to go

奔跑在山坡 海风在召唤
两旁的铃兰 为我领路
粉红色的火烈鸟 温暖的泉水
飞舞的野菊花 悠悠歌吹
雪白的丹顶鹤 羞涩的甘蔗
摇曳的琉璃草 灿烂星河

Running on the hillside, summoned by the ocean breeze
On both sides of the road, lilies of the valley lead my way
Flamingos are pink, spring water is mild
Wild chrysanthemums are dancing, and songs softly twirl
Cranes are snowy white, sugar canes are shy
Hound's-tongue are fluttering, and the Milky Way shines

白天是夜晚 在花见海岸

The day is night, at the shore by the flowers

歌曲:七之三 花见海岸
演唱:上海彩虹室内合唱团( Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers )