Just for me to pray



hear the crash of the stars(听坠星之声)
watch the fall of the world(看崩塌之日)
feel the pain on the scar(灼烧之伤)
indulge it to corrupt the soul(放纵它侵蚀灵魂)
there is on one to blame(没人可以责怪)
delusion drives me insane(幻象时常恐吓我,)
Or it scares me with creeps(到我难以忍受的地步)
I break the effigy of sin(我毁掉罪恶之塑)

god of misery(苦痛之神)
can you see me(你能看到我吗)
I'd like to bleed my own heart(我愿意刺破自己的心脏)
or even break off my legs(或是砍去双腿)
just for me to pray(仅仅换取能向你祈祷)
cut off half of the crimes(可以抹去一半的恶行)
kick half of hollow lies(和一半谎言)
let us live like a man(在我们剩下的日子里)
in our lives(可以像人一样正常地活着)

things around are slipping(周遭分崩离析)
we are all victims(我们都是受害者)
let it hinder our pace(让它绊倒我们)
feel the blaze of fury(感受暴怒的火焰)
who said there's on conviction? (谁说这里没有信念)
he lives in lie and fiction(他活在谎言和虚构之中)
the exterior faces(那些表里不一的脸)
and the flawed and failing conformity(和千疮百孔的陈规)

god of misery(苦痛之神)
can you see me(你能看到我吗)
I'd like to bleed my own heart(我愿意刺破自己的心脏)
or even break off my legs(或是砍去双腿)
just for me to pray(仅仅换取能向你祈祷)
cut off half of the crimes(可以抹去一半的恶行)
kick half of hollow lies(和一半谎言)
let us live like a man(在我们剩下的日子里)
in our lives(可以像人一样正常地活着)

hear the crash of the stars(听坠星之声)
watch the fall of the world(看崩塌之日)
Don't let the numbness spread(别让麻木散播,)
Don't live in the shadows of regrets(以致于终生悔恨)

歌曲:Just for me to pray