Love And Recollections (爱与追忆)

Danny & Winki

I hold on to past times through recollections
Episodes small and big meaningless and significant
Try to recreate what was in the past or what might have been setting them in motion
And squeeze meanings out of those things I did when I was on the run
It is not to be And it always is love and gratitude

I sit by the coffee table and listen to songs
Memories come through the lips of singers enlivened by the music
come through my footsteps with hopes silliness and the wrongs
A light shines on me saying life is not so thick and mean when I try to fix it
It is meant to be And it always is love and gratitude

What is memory without love
Love is a glue for balance among us all
It keeps us warm and safe
When you get old and what would you know
Walk with time and make it your friend

当你回顾时 你会看到留下的故事
低头时便看到 自己的脚步和音乐
当你在低沉时 要记得
太阳会照耀你 可以给你快乐
你可主宰命运 创造现实及美好的回忆
生命属于你 它就是爱与感恩

记忆 不可以任意被玩弄
时间 好像一个过滤器
往事会期望 你的对待
忧伤的回忆 总好像比快乐为多
往前走罢 与时间做朋友

歌曲:Love And Recollections (爱与追忆)
演唱:Danny & Winki