Love Flower (一人一花)

阿朵( ADuo )

Fell in love with flower's fragnance..
Fell in love with a flower's stubborness..
Fell in love with flower's position..
How it shine in the night...
Fell in love with someone's hometown..
Fell in love with someone's gaze...
Fell in love with someone's scars..
They're in my distant memory..
Once you've loved a flower bloom with it..
Once you've loved someone grow with her..
Everyone is a flower that'll bloom and fade..
Please leave behind the most beautiful moments..
Once you've loved someone go with them anywhere..
Once you've loved a flower, grow with her..
Everyone's a flower..
Will from from earth to the sky..''

歌曲:Love Flower (一人一花)
演唱:阿朵( ADuo )