
EastWave 東波


Hey now move your body .... just shake your body
Hands up Hands up baby .... just get down on it
啤酒 紅酒 不管什麼合胃口
隨著 暖流 隨著 晃動

電影結束後 只剩她和我
(oh what a night, a beautiful night)
什麼也沒說 坐在最角落
(till the lights off ,just you and me)
好像有感覺 好像要起飛
我偷看她的臉 靠近她的嘴
指尖碰指尖 整個眼神把我心裡的宇宙凍結

看著我看著你 毫無保留 come to my flow

送她到門口 差不多該走
(it's time to go , i guess is that all)
回頭叫住我 拉著我的手
(im waiting for the word you're about to say)
我想的灑托 就算沒結果
從門口到上樓 房間鑰匙孔
頭髮纏著我 一層一層 解開束縛你我的枷鎖

open your mind , eyes don't get blinded
(it's only you and me, maybe it's our destiny)
(I dont wanna let it go, I try to keep it hold)

heating the heart , finding the star
(it's only you and me, maybe it's our destiny)
(I dont wanna let it go, I try to keep it hold)

演唱:EastWave 東波