Eleven P.M.



還有心情不佳的你 和夢七八瓣
瘋魔的精神泛濫 但是你將我霸占
過去的我 曾是無足鳥
總在夜裡飛 卻不落腳
就像那生命裡 無根的草
唯一次停留 是生命終結得早

你望著我的眼神 全是空洞
欲火燃燒的夜晚 不能輕舉妄動
誰說四眼的書生 百無一用
克制靈魂的躁動 你卻半懂不懂
我憂傷的 自由的 強大的靈魂 向你宣戰
你仿徨的 狂亂的 弱小的神經 經不起挑戰

You know
I'm not talking about your face
I'm talking about your soul, your spirit
Wait wait wait, hold on
What time is it?

Eleven Eleven p.m.
Alcohol's an old god's dream
You blow in all out of breath
I'm gonna take the chance
Captain kid was a fraud
You never catch my drives
A demon is coming back
Holding my beautiful land

Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon
Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon

如果黑暗的世界 讓你感到不安
別害怕 因為靈魂深處不會孤單

我跌跌撞撞 搖搖晃晃
踉踉蹌蹌 急急忙忙
你得意洋洋 風風火火
匆匆忙忙 喜怒無常
不安的你我 不能安於現狀
危機四伏 暗箭難防
我們尋尋覓覓 真真假假
曲曲折折 影影綽綽 走近對方
現實形形色色 反反覆覆
虛虛實實 風風雨雨
熙熙攘攘 莽莽廣廣
浩浩蕩蕩 遠離家鄉 舔舐心傷
There is an invincible summer on me

Eleven Eleven p.m.
Back to the party on the roof
Life is not like Movie 43
That love might as well be on the moon
You are working on, acting on
breaking down my body with pressure
From the party on we were getting on minutes
I can bring this dope walls down

Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon
Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon

Eleven eleven
Eleven p.m.
What time is it?

Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon
Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon

Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon
Eleven p.m.
It's time to get drunk then I turn around
Sit down Megatron, Megatron
I'm Predacon, Predacon

歌曲:Eleven P.M.