Thankful 2 u



Looking at this shy boy coming with Conan.

U thinking,Be sure with,Fans of Conan.

Surprising him staring at U a little while.

Can't U see

Can't U see

An angel for U.

An angel for U.

Actually factually feeling all that.

In my mind,In my brain,In my ture heart.

Hard to getalong with difficult 5,6,7,8.

But also with uncomfortable.

Thankful to U courage words.

Thankful to U gentle smile.

Thankful to U eyes on me.

Thankful to U love to me.

Actually factually feeling all that.
I can't all see.bye bye to me.
Idon't know one day we afresh meet again.
what can i never say
still thanful to you

looking at him left you a love song.
Why are you.still.believe.nothing to say.
you know today is a special vital date for me.
can't you see
can't you see
losing something
I told my self still insist on your spirits
why myself WHY myself out of control
like freddy to everybody i can't bear it
but also with paralyzation.
Tankful to your courage words
Tankful to your gentle smile.
Tankful to your eyes on me.
Tankful to your love to me.
Actually factually feeling all that.
I can't still see.bye bye to me.
Idon't know one day we afresh meet again.
what can i never say
still thanful to you

歌曲:Thankful 2 u