
朱凌凌( Juicy ning )

编曲:朱凌凌.Edmund Leung
监制:Edmund Leung

It's time for the revolution
All we need is determination
Where's your burning passion
Let's Make your own confession
Where's your imagination
Everywhere is inspiration
Break all that regulations
Fuck all your explanations
You gotta move, I gotta prove, we all gotta choose
Don't be a fucking fool, to break the rules, don't screw up your life, broaden your sight.
If you move, I'll follow, I won't alone.
I won't be afraid of anything.
Never get down, never get down, never get down from the stage.

由细到大 比人话我依赖 话我思想古怪 自大 话我无货卖 我变得将自己收埋 我唔敢表态 做事唔敢过界 连眼前机会都走埋 想嗌唔敢嗌 失败 失态 点解 我要日日坐响屋企观察自己 能唔能够 迎合呢个世纪

it's time for the revolution
it's time for the revolution

我哋今晚系度教大家革命 你要耳根清静 听住 革命就系你要 知耻近乎勇
理你有种定系盲目跟从 你唔好死冲 细路 行紧南北西东 你要懂 问吓自己 清唔清楚自己 问吓自己有乜咁了不起 唔好睇死自己 要相信自己 可以去到完美嘅境地 革命就系
修身齐家治国平天下 修身齐家治国平天下

You gotta move, I gotta prove, we all gotta choose
Don't be a fucking fool, to break the rules, don't screw up your life, broaden your sight.
If you move, I'll follow, I won't alone.
I won't be afraid of anything.

听落好似明明哋 但系应该从何做起 唔通我要盲中中 乱咁冲 将自己撞死 就可以改变呢个世纪 乜“x”嘢道理呀
咁你听“x”住喇喂 你话自己年纪轻轻 改变世界呢个想法太过血腥有病 道理说不清 讲得精 你又唔“x”明 其实革命可以由自己做成
执输行头 惨过败家 执输行头 惨过败家

You gotta move, I gotta prove, we all gotta choose
Don't be a fucking fool, to break the rules, don't screw up your life, broaden your sight.
If you move, I'll follow, I won't alone.
I won't be afraid of anything.

喂 听到革命 我心惊惊 面青青 惊自己会“钉” 你睇番历史书有几多革命伟人 最后唔系变仙人 人生 生存喺呢个世界上面莫过于要稳稳阵阵 过一生 我仲咁后生 唔“x”想咁早入坟 我宁愿朝早起身 坐响身 安安全全坐喺度等 等个世界嚟改变我一生

其实改变世界有千百万种方法 要搞革命亦有几百万种方法 你嘅思想嚟得咁狭
窄 就只有一条路 死路 革命从来唔系一条康庄嘅大道 佢哋个人虽然唔系度 但系佢哋嘅伟大思想仍然 影响住几十亿人嘅生命道路 颠覆咗人类历史 若过你唔知羞耻 你就系烂泥扶唔上壁第一把胶椅 咁我同你就 缘尽于此 你唔系个种人就唔会有个种感觉 你想改变世界 但系喺度赖东赖西 喺度等东等西 喺度等个世界改变你自己 你话死唔死 一定死 你系安于现状 我都无说话好讲 不知廉耻嘅行尸 好自为之

我操你妈个B 操你妈个B

You gotta move, I gotta prove, we all gotta choose
Don't be a fucking fool, to break the rules, don't screw up your life, broaden your sight.
If you move, I'll follow, I won't alone.
I won't be afraid of anything.
Never get down, never get down, never get down from the stage.

我哋一语道破 问下你个心有冇啲唔妥 呢几十年有冇将自己嘅思想封锁 睇番我哋几个 行先死先 唔系因为我哋有先决嘅条件 只系因为我哋够癫 癫癫哋 唔怕死 攞自己出嚟 比你哋

it's time for the revolution
it's time for the revolution
it's time for the revolution
it's time for the

演唱:朱凌凌( Juicy ning )